Friday, October 28, 2011


"Mert művészek vagyunk, **** meg!" :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pablo was here...

ps. I was glad to see you..
pps. thanks for the breakfast, lunch and dinner.. :)

his music:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Katy and Zovacs against the Palace

ps. thank you for this wonderful afternoon...
Love Love Love

Sunday, October 9, 2011


The night of my exhibition...
What is a photographer without a camera? Probably a bird without wings.
Dear my visitors, I'm desperate. I don't know what comes next.
I was told at the police station that there is no chance that they are to find my camera
and I don't have enough money to buy a new one... and never really will, maybe in 15 years...
If something is to happen, it will happen this following week, but after it, no hope.
I'm going home to Croatia soon, and we will figure out something with my parents.

I'm incredibly sad right now.
You might say that this was just an object and that it is replaceable. Not to me.
I spent 3 years with my camera. It captured the most wonderful moments of my life.
I lost my very best friend.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hello Summer a Fogasházban!

Éééés íme eljött ez a nagyszerű pillanat is! A nyár végével a Hello Summer! sorozat is elkészült és a Fogasház tulajának és Zenit barátomnak köszönhetően pénteken ki is állítjuk a közel 30 fotót! :)
Minden érdeklődőt sok sok sok sok sok szeretettel várunk!
A megnyitót egy fergeteges nyárzáró és őszi-szezonnyitó bulival folytatjuk és táncolunk hajnalig!

ps. A legnagyobb köszönet azért a fantasztikus modelleknek jár és kedves barátaimnak!